Adding 10,000 beds in 10days, temporary wards for worst affected hospitals and digital vaccination IDs for all — Sri Lanka’s efforts to overcome the third wave of COVID-19 is on in full force
The third wave of the COVID-19 struck Sri Lanka at a time when we as a country were just raising our heads from the pandemic. It had barely been a week since schools had re-opened after being shut for months and offices were just returning to normalcy. We as a nation were just overcoming the virus spread and adapting to the new normal when the pandemic came back in full force, reminding us that no matter where we now head, we will have to adjust ourselves to the existence of this virus.
In recent weeks, Sri Lanka has been facing a staggering rise in COVID-19 infected patients. According to health authorities, this is because Sri Lanka presently is battling six types of COVID-19 variants including the UK, South African and Indian variants. The UK lineage of the variant is fast spreading among the population with health experts saying it is now airborne. In recent weeks more younger aged citizens have been admitted to hospitals, seeking ICU treatment while daily COVID-19 patients are now surpassing 2000 infections a day.
With the month of May alone now reporting over 17,000 new infections, it is time we all pitch in to do our part to assist the health sector which has obviously been overburdened with the sudden third wave. Keeping this in mind, I instructed the Ministry of Youth Affairs in collaboration with several youth organizations, the SLPP Engineers Front, our subsidiary organizations to come together on one platform to add 10,000 beds in intermediate care centers which can be used by those who have to undergo quarantine.
These intermediate centers will be set up away from hospitals where people can self isolate and be kept under a health watch till the duration their PCR tests are conducted. We have already launched this project and are overwhelmed at the response we have received by several stakeholders including youth who have stepped forward to assist us with this project.
We hope to complete these intermediate centers and add the 10,000 bed capacity within 10 days and work is on 24/7 to accomplish this as soon as possible so it could be handed over to the authorities.
In addition to this, we have also begun work to put up temporary wards, adjacent to hospitals which are presently treating a high number of COVID-19 patients in districts worst affected by the third wave. We will complete this within 48 hours. My team will clear the lands available close to these hospitals and put up temporary wards which will be equipped with beds and all other necessary medical facilities. We hope to add a 50 bed capacity within these 48 hours, slightly easing the burden of the health sector.
In addition to these urgent programs, discussions are also underway with the Health Ministry and the Information and Technology Ministry to launch a digital vaccination ID which will be introduced to all those who have received their jabs. We will look to start this immediately so that when people go to the centers to receive their jabs, the entire process will be hassle free and smooth, An app will be used for this purpose so that if any individual later on develop some side effects they can immediately converse with the health experts through this app. We are also looking at establishing a call center where if people want to talk to the health experts in person, they can do so through this call center. We are looking at partnering with the corporate and private sector for this purpose.
This COVID-19 vaccination will also include information on the details of the second dose and this will help cut down on a lot of red tape.
It is easy for us to criticize the authorities in the midst of an emergency but it is even more beneficial when we assist them in their efforts to restore the country back to normalcy.
It is sad to see Sri Lanka facing a rapid spread of the new variant of the coronavirus while deaths are high. It is time we come together as a nation and assist in whatever way we can even if this means by adhering to the health guidelines alone. Adhering to these guidelines will be each us, playing a crucial role as a responsible citizens of this country.
I hope and pray Sri Lanka returns to normalcy soon and all her citizens remain healthy and safe. I wish those infected a speedy recovery and mourn the loss of those who have passed from the virus.
As a responsible government, we will take all efforts to end this spread as soon as possible. Stay safe everyone.